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Triphala: scientific-based Health Benefits; nutrition facts

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7 Best healthy benefits of Surya namaskar to lose weight

7 Best healthy benefits of Surya namaskar to lose weight mantras and steps 

healthy benefits of Surya namaskar to lose weight

 Best health benefits of Surya namaskar to lose weight Surya Namaskar provides all the significant health benefits in a very juicy package.

 The apparent advantage of Surya Namaskar is exercise supplied to the muscles, but it also benefits the joints, ligaments, and skeletal system by improving posture, flexibility, and balance.

Apart from these physical benefits, the practice of Surya Namaskar stimulates and exercises almost every system in the body.

 It is suitable for the heartbeat Stimulates the cardiovascular system.

It gives oxygen to the blood helps to strengthen the core. Surya Namaskar is ideal for the digestive system and the nervous system.

 It stimulates the lymphatic system and supports the health of the respiratory system.

Practising Surya Namaskar also benefits the endocrine system and enables various glands to function.

These include pituitary glands, as well as the adrenal gland, testes, and ovaries. Like most forms of exercise, Surya Namaskar provides mental benefits to regular practitioners. 

You will feel amazing after doing Surya Namaskar. It is relaxing and rejuvenating, and stress, tension, and anxiety are removed as soon as the sun salute.

What is Surya Namaskar?

The name Surya namaskar comes from Sanskrit. Surya means sun and Namaskar mean salute; it means sun salute Surya is the Hindu god of the sun.

It is also known as Sun Salutation power yoga; This is a typical sequence of the 12 postures of the body. Each of these done by pulling the right side of the body first, followed by the left. 

It makes a round of Surya Namaskar. There should be a set of 12 shots; These asanas have amazing effects on the throat, chest, heart, stomach, intestines, and feet.

 In simple words, Surya Namaskar or Surya Namaskar is a complete physical exercise in itself. Surya Namaskar postures range from flexing. 

And bending to stretching muscles while breathing in and out rhythmically. Power Yoga aims to get more health benefits in just a short time. So, if you are very busy or want to lose weight in a short time, then this yoga workout is for you.

Like any other asana, the practice of Surya Namaskar should do on an empty stomach. time to practice Surya Namaskar is in the morning,

 and it should do while facing the rising sun. The purpose of Surya Namaskar is to active your mind, body, and soul. The 12 asanas are performed rhythmically in order and need to synchronize with your breathing. And now Surya Namaskar for details on calorie burn.

Healthy benefits of Surya namaskar (sun salutation)

Helps in weight loss:

This yoga is beneficial to burning the fat of the body. When we have done it at a rapid pace, then it burns calories and keeps physically fit and active.

Improves the digestion system:

Proper all the pose of this assan with a balanced diet improves insulin sensitivity. It stimulates the digestion track by producing the right kind of digestive juice. It improves metabolism.

Improvement in hair and skin glow

It is a very powerful asana to keep young and healthy. If it repeats ten times daily, then wrinkles are not seen in your face.

 When it regularly does, then circulate the blood in the body, which helps to glow your skin and improve your hair growth.

Keep active and increase energy levels.

Along with asana breathing pattern is essential for us. It gives deep relaxation to the body and the mind. It increases the energy level in the body and keeps physically fit. It also will power in the person.

Better absorption of nutrients

It helps to carry vital functions of the body. Better intake improves overall health problems. 

Surya namaskar helps to remove diseases like thyroid, PcoD, Pcos, obesity, heart, etc.

Menstrual cycle regulation

Some females have problem menstrual cycle imbalance. If you practice this asana regularly at least ten times in the morning, this regulates the movement of the body control, then imbalance muscles and keeps the cycle regular.

Support for cardiovascular health

Surya namaskar is supported to work wonders for you. Blood pressure. It is capable of correcting your heartbeat. It keeps your blood sugar control.

12 steps of Surya Namaskar (Surya Namaskar)

Surya Namaskar can be an excellent workout for cardiovascular during high speed. On the other hand, it can be very relaxing and reflective. 

When yoga asanas executed at a slow pace. Either way, however, it is pleasant to salute the sun. With regular practice, your body will be stretched and flexible.

Here are the steps of Surya Namaskar which you should practice every morning
Surya Namaskar (Surya Namaskar) is composed of 12 different postures. In this section; We will discuss how to do each of them properly.

1. Pranayama (prayer posture)

Pranasana is the first asana in the yoga sequence. First, stand upright on your mat and make

Sure, that your feet placed close to each other. Next, take a deep breath, expand your chest, and relax your shoulders. When exhaling, raise your arms from the side and join both your palms together as if you are praying. The first poster is complete.

2. Hasta Uttanasana (Raised arms pose)

Make sure your palms are joined together, just as in the previous prayer posture. Take a deep breath, raise your arms, and bend slightly backward. Your biceps should remain near your ears.

3. Hand Padasana (Hand to foot pose)

Exhale and bend forward from your waist. Try to touch the floor with your hands. However, make sure that your spine is straight. While doing this mudra, you should exhale slowly and thoroughly.

4. Equestrian movement (Equestrian position)

Slightly bend your knees, so that the palms rest on the floor next to your feet. Take a deep breath, bring your right knee to the right side of your chest, and pull your left leg backward. Raise your head and look forward.

5. Chaturanga Dandasana (Planck Pose)

Inhale and also bring your right leg back. Now both your hands will be just below your shoulders. Make sure your body is parallel to the ground.

6. Ashtanga Namaskar (Eight Limited Mudras)

It is also known as Namaskar, using eight dots or parts. After performing Chaturanga Dandasana, exhale and slowly bring your knees towards the floor.

 Rest your chin on the floor and hang your hips in the air. If done correctly, both of your hands, knees, chin, and chest will rest on the ground, while your hips will remain suspended in the air.

7. Bhujangasana (Cobra pose)

Rest your feet and midsection flat on the ground. Place your palms next to your chest.

Press and apply pressure on the hands to elevate your upper body. At this point, your head and torso will look like a cobra with a raised hood.

8. Adho much asana (downward dog pose)

Keep your palms and feet where they are. Exhale and lift your hips slowly, so that the body forms an inverted 'V.' Straighten your elbows and knees. Look at your navel.

9. Horse consciousness (high bulge)

After doing Adhoc much asana, bring your right foot forward and return to the horse movement. Keep your left leg behind you, and look forward.

10 Hand palpation (bending forward)

Inhale and bring your left leg forward, as if it is next to your right leg. Keeping the position of your hands, exhale and slowly enter your torso in the palm padmasana posture.

 11Hastauttanasana (Raised arms pose)

Breathing in, roll the spine up. Raise the hands and bend backward a little bit, pushing the hips slightly outward.

Be Ensure that your biceps are beside your ears. The idea is to stretch up more rather than stretching backward.

12. Tadasana (Mountain Pose)

As you exhale, first straighten the body, then bring the arms down. Relax in this position and observe the sensations in your body.

To get the maximum benefits of Surya Namaskar, do 12 sets of these 12 asanas every day, which are six rounds on the right leg and six rounds on the left leg.

Instructions for Surya namaskar:

  • Follow the steps in order.
  • maintain correct body posture
  • Try it in sunrise time
  • start exercise at a slow pace
  • I always wear comfortable clothes
  • To increase no of repetitions continuously
  • Do ensure that you are hydrate
  • I always follow a healthy diet.
  •  it should do empty stomach

How many Surya namaskar to lose weight

As we know, any kind of exercise to lose weight takes some time to burn extra calories. So, Surya Namaskar, it can take some time to see results. Also, it has scientifically proven that the round of Surya Namaskar done in 3 minutes can burn up to 10 to 12 calories.

So, if you start with a few rounds of Surya Namaskar per day and gradually increase it to about 20 shots, which is to complete within 35 minutes, then you can get up to 4 to 5 kg lose weight.

if you apply a healthy lifestyle and exercise of sura namaskar, then you lose weight very fast

So, in conclusion, circling abou20 rounds of Surya Namaskar daily, within35 minutes, can help you lose weight by up to 5 kg a month when healthy lifestyle habits added then lose weight up to 7 to 8 kg.


1. Pranayama (prayer posture)

Om Mitraya Namah


That suits everyone.

Importance of posture:

Pranayama helps in maintaining the balance of the body.

2. Hasta Uttanasana (Raised Currency)

Om Rawaye Namah

it means Shiny one, radiant.

Importance of posture:

Hasta Uttanasana stretches and tones the abdominal muscles.
Chest expansion occurs as a result of the total intake of oxygen. The lung capacity fully utilized.

3. Hasta Padasana (Hand to foot posture)

Om Surya Namah


 darkness, responsible for causing activity.

Importance of posture:

Hand padmasana makes the waist and spine flexible.

4. Equestrian movement (Equestrian position)

Om Bhanave Namah


 bright or bright.

Importance of posture:

Horse strengthens the leg muscles.
It makes the spine and neck flexible.
Useful for indigestion, constipation, and sciatica.

5. Dandasana (Stick pose)

Om Khagaya Namah


The one who is all pervaded, the one who passes through the sky.

Importance of posture:

Dandasana provides strength to the arms and back.

Stretches chest and spine.

6. Ashtanga Namaskar (Salute with eight parts)

Om Pushane Namah


nutrition and satiety.

Importance of posture:

Ashtanga Namaskar increases the flexibility of the back and spine.
Strengthens the muscles 

7. Bhujangasana (Cobra pose)

Om Hiranya Garbhaya Namah


 golden glow.

Importance of posture:

Bhujangasana extends the shoulders, chest, and back.
Increases flexibility.

8. Mountaineering (mountain pose)

Om Marechaye Namah


light with infinite rays.

Importance of posture:

The muscles of the arms and legs strengthened by transposition.
It Increases blood flow to the spinal cord area.

9. Equestrian movement (Equestrian pose)

Nam Adityaaya Namah:
Om Aditya Namah


it means Aditi, the cosmic divine mother.

Importance of posture:

Ash Achlasana tones the abdominal organs.

10. Hasta Padasana (hand to foot pose)

ॐ Savitre Namah.
Om Savitri Namah


Who is responsible for life.

Importance of posture:

Hand palpation extends the hamstrings.
It opens the hips, shoulders, and arms.
11. Hasta Uttanasana (Raised Currency)

Om Namakaya Namah.
Om Arakaya Namah


 who is worthy of praise and glory.

Importance of posture:

Hasta Uttanasana stretches and tones the abdominal muscles.
Chest expansion occurs as a result of the total intake of oxygen. The lung capacity fully utilized.
12. Tadasana (standing or palm tree pose)

Om Bhaskarai Namah.
Om Bhaskarai Namah


 knowledge and cosmic illumination.

Importance of posture:

Tadasana improves posture.
 Knees and ankles.


Surya namaskar yoga gives innumerable benefits. You practice it daily in your life, and it highly recommended that to lose weight and keeps natural fit, repeat this yoga 20 times in the morning.

It should do while facing the rising sun, and it should do an empty stomach. It has a total of 12 asanas the asanas performed rhythmically to lose weight and burn calories. With regular practice, your body will be stretch flexible and active.


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